Just updated your iPhone to iOS 18? You'll find a ton of hot new features for some of your most-used Apple apps. Dive in and see for yourself:
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News: Eating Chocolate To Improve Your Math Skills
News: Why Are Some People Smarter Than Others?
News: 6 Hours of Sleep Not Enough Say Scientists
News: Daydreamers might solve problems faster
News: Dragon Dictation Does Voice-to-Text Transcription on Your iPhone
News: Students Exposed To Ringing Cell Phones Score Worse On Tests
News: It-doesnt-pay-to-be-intelligent
News: Juggling Enhances Connections In The Brain
World’s Total CPU Power: One Human Brain
News: Facebook 1976
News: Follow cool@school on Facebook
News: Can-you-meditate-your-way-to-a-bigger-brain
News: How-to-jog-your-memory-the-science-fiction-hero-way
News: Bad mood helps us focus more, recall better
News: Test Stress Reduction The Navy SEALs Way
News: Color-has-a-significant-effect-on-how-people-think-and-act
News: The Learning Formula
News: Learning is a science
News: Talent = 10,000 Hours + Luck
World’s Total CPU Power: One Human Brain
News: Follow cool@school on Facebook
News: Eating Chocolate To Improve Your Math Skills
News: Bad mood helps us focus more, recall better
News: Why Are Some People Smarter Than Others?
News: Students Exposed To Ringing Cell Phones Score Worse On Tests
News: Juggling Enhances Connections In The Brain
News: Dragon Dictation Does Voice-to-Text Transcription on Your iPhone
News: Daydreamers might solve problems faster
News: The Learning Formula
News: Learning is a science
News: Talent = 10,000 Hours + Luck
News: Test Stress Reduction The Navy SEALs Way
News: It-doesnt-pay-to-be-intelligent
News: How-to-jog-your-memory-the-science-fiction-hero-way
News: Color-has-a-significant-effect-on-how-people-think-and-act
News: Can-you-meditate-your-way-to-a-bigger-brain
News: 6 Hours of Sleep Not Enough Say Scientists
News: Facebook 1976
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